Monday, May 9, 2011

Birthday & Outfit

Yesterday was my baby Brother's Birthday so we went to my Grandmother's house to celebrate. She has the most beautiful backyard I've ever seen! So I thought, finally I have someone here to take an outfit picture, and what better place to take my first one. I didn't realize how hard it was to be in front of the camera and come up with poses that didn't look posed! I don't know how those models do it, but I take my hat off to them because it was hard & I deleted several pictures because the poses looked horrid!

Photos taken by my Mom :)

Blouse: Thrifted
Capri's: Avon
Belt: Thrifted
Shoes: Target
Ring: Avon
Bracelet: Target
Handbag: Oooops! Handbag?.....I totally forgot to put my bag in the picture, but it's from Macy's :)

This blouse is one of my favorite thrift finds. I love how the sleeves are flowing and the colors are beautiful. I don't wear flat shoes very often because I am only 5"2, so flats can make me look even shorter as you can see. I was going to wear my new white wedges, but I wore a pair of new shoes the other day and they gave me awful blisters, so I had to go with the flats. Why so much Avon listed you might ask?  I am an Avon Rep and I love Mark's clothing and Avon's jewelry. 

If anyone has helpful tips for posing in front of the camera, pleassssseeeee e-mail me!  Let me know what you think, but be nice this is my first time :-)


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